Tuesday, March 18, 2008

IDP Education Pty Ltd - Singapore

IDP Education Pty Ltd - Singapore is an organisation which helps Singaporeans to apply for Australian schools, I personally sent my application through this agency and soon was greatly disappointed at the actions carried out by this agency. Firstly, in October 07, I was surfing the internet to find out about education in Australia and I came across IDP's website and through this site, I learn about the 'Study in Australia Fair' for Singapore students and was interested by it. Therefore, I attended the Fair held at Orchard Hotel during that period and applied for University of Melbourne and University of Western Australia. In November 07, I received the acceptance letter from UWA but as University of Melbourne is my first choice, I decided to wait for the latter it to reply me then I will make a decision. As time passed, in December 07, I still have not received any form of reply from the University of Melbourne after I was told verbally by the agency to send in details of my Mathematics studies to the school. From November 07 onwards, the agency told me week after week, day after day the same thing everytime I call them.("We are chasing them on this issue, most probably/hopefully there will be a reply next week"). In Jan 08 to Feb 08, there was no reply and also the dateline for UWA was closed and because of this, I was held back one semester of my University studies. The actions by the agency was (1) Never reply any of my Email because they don't want this issue to be black and white. (2) Keep giving me false hope by telling me the same thing week after week. (3) Keep telling me that it is the Universities's fault as it should reply within 4 weeks - 6 weeks, saying that there is an administration lapse over at the other side which I can't see. In the end, I had to apply for semester 2 for the same course which wasted 6 months of my life and I have to personally call University of Melbourne and ask them what happened to my application and a miracle happened when they reply me within a week about my application. After this issue, I finially decided to submit my application to UWA but another story came out of this. After confirming my payment to UWA, I was urged by the agency to apply for my accommodation to Currie Hall, they tell me to make payment on the day itself when I make payment to UWA. Once again, there wasn't any form of Email or Black and White for this from the agency. IDP tells me that there will be totally no more available accommodation in UWA for July 08, you must apply for the last 3 places which is available in Currie Hall. I got suspicious about this, I don't believe that there will be totally no places in all the 5 residencial colleges in UWA so I decided to give trinity hall a phone call and this is what I 've found out. "The February 08 in-take accommodation are all full, the July in-take is not open yet" said the people from Trinity Hall.

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