Monday, April 16, 2007

Tired Monday

Today is a tiring day for me, morning woke up in a daze. Went to work without taking breakfast. Arrived at work place, I straight went to the canteen for food, it was a bad experience, the canteen operators all looked bored and busy with their own stuff. I ordered Chong Pang Nasi Lamak, they didn't even place the packeted chilli properly and some of it just drip on to my hands when I am carrying it over to the table. I wanted to wash my hands but the tap is far away and there are birds flying around the canteen. Ok Crap. I will eat with chilli on my hands.

After that, I went back to work. Quite a busy morning, I will not elaborate further what happened during my work period, as SAF states that all SAF/Non SAF personnels should becareful of what they blog(Fine!).

After work i rush straight home as I always do. First thing to do when I reached home. Plays the piano, yes, first thing straight. I am a very lazy person, I don't like to practise things that has the same pattern over and over again. So I will make it a point that everyday I reached home I will work on my piano practise. After that, I got this urge to swim!! Ok I know is abit crazy cause I swimed for the passed two days but yes, I just gather my swimming equipment and went to the pool. Swimming is a relaxing exerise. After today's swim, I found out the reason why our PM Lee likes to swim, it is really a good exerise to de-stress. A slow swim using free-style makes me feel like "in a trance", I know that sounds abit wierd but that is how it felt. Anyway I will stop here today....

*When your mind is full, try do something slow and repetitive. It will make you think better.*

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